
East Meets West Meetup


On Wednesday I had the pleasure of meeting up with a longtime internet friend of mine, Alyssa. Five plus years ago Alyssa and I met on Myspace (oh, Myspace), and since then we’ve kept in touch. Alyssa and I share a love of writing, coffee, and Sylvia Plath. She also writes beautiful poetry of her own and occasionally posts her writing on her Tumblr, Musty Pages (check out her feed – it’s seriously lovely!).

Alyssa, Scott, and I met up at The Coffee Shop in Gilbert for breakfast and coffee (coffee seemed mandatory for this meeting, as we are both coffee fiends!). I had such a great time talking with her about school, Arizona, and what it’s like in her home state. I’ve never visited Pennsylvania before, but after hearing Alyssa’s stories about diners, coffee shops, and taking the train into Philly, I now want to visit even more (I bet Philly is beautiful in the summertime!).

It really was so wonderful to finally meet Alyssa, and I loved that we already felt like longtime friends even though we had never officially met until that day (ok – it has to be said, the internet is awesome!).

Have you ever met a longtime internet friend? If so, what was your experience like?

I’m off to get coffee and catch up on grad school work (already playing catch-up – oops)!
-Chelsea xo