
With Hearts


You know what’s refreshing? To learn about a local company who’s on a mission to promote sustainable fashion and direct collaborations with amazing artists! According to their website, Hearts products are the result of a collaboration between artisans strengths and the natural materials their surrounding environments provide them, along with the love and collaborative efforts from the Hearts design team. Recently, the very sweet team at Hearts reached out to me to tell me a little bit more about their mission, and also to see if I would like to style up one of their amazing pieces. Needless to say, I jumped at the opportunity and have been carrying my Hearts Beat Foldover Clutch around with pride!

Awhile back Hearts visited Guatemala to meet with artisan communities, and to experience the Guatemalan culture first-hand. The Hearts team observed ancient weaving traditions that have been carried forward by contemporary masters, and listened to artisans, who now lovingly create Hearts designs, talk about their own lives. Hearts’ partnership with these Guatemalan artisans enables them to devote their extraordinary traditional skills to the creation of design-driven product lines, whose sale ensures they continue to improve their own families’ quality of life. The clutch I’m featuring was made with traditional Guatemalan brocade foot looming techniques, AZO free dye, glass seed beads, and antique brass. It really is quite the unique piece, and I know I will cherish it for years to come.

Outfit details:
Scarf: Marine Layer
Sweater: Eddie Bauer
Hearts Beat Foldover Clutch: c/o Hearts
Top: Last Chance
Jeans: Levi’s
Oxfords: Steve Madden

Have you checked out Hearts? I extra love that they are a local company, and it fills my heart with joy to see such sweet people working for such an amazing cause! Keep up the great work, Hearts crew! Oh, and if you’re interested in picking up our own Hearts clutch, or something else from their shop, use the code CHELSEA30 for 30% off your order!

I’m off to work on a take-home exam (eww), and then hopefully to the Ladies Night Out event at Union at the Biltmore! What are you up to tonight?

-Chelsea xo