
Mextures: A Truly Unique Photo Editing App


I’ve recently become quite fond of an iPhone photo editing app, Mextures. Created by a Phoenix local, Merek Davis, this editing app allows you to create edits exactly to your liking with over 70 original textures, gradients and lightleaks that are blendable, rotatable, and able to layer with a tap (according to their awesome intro video on their website). I’ve spent some time over the past few weeks creating and saving my own custom formulas and learning more about the app as I go.

So far I’ve taken a very light hand to my edits, but I do appreciate the opportunity to layer and create more in-depth edits. As of now, I have saved a Fall Vibes formula (featured on the wood photo above), a Citrus formula (featured on the orange mural above), and a Twilight formula (featured on the sunset below). I love the challenge that this app creates that pushes me create and think beyond my usual simple photo edits (and also how good it feels to save a formula for later use).

When it comes to photo editing apps, Mextures gets an A+ in my book – locally based, refreshing, customizable content, and downright inspiring to create a photo style that is truly unique and my own.

Have you check out Mextures yet? It’s only $1.99 and well worth it! Let me know what you think!
-Chelsea xo