
Campfire Cozy


Our weekend in Fort Tuthill County Park re-kickstarted my sense of adventure. We were surrounded by the most beautiful woods, and I wanted to spend as much time exploring as we could. Around every twist and turn there seemed to be another view that just took my breathe away, and the jacket weather didn’t hurt either. As much as I am an adventure seeker, Scott was the one who lead our way and landed us on this beautiful hill slope. The wildflowers in this area were absolutely beautiful, and the view just something out of a movie (think Twilight ;])

Besides spending time exploring the woods, Scott and I spent a little time in Flagstaff – mostly to check out this neat coffee shop called Cultured and stop in at Target. The evening we stopped by Cultured there was a nice crispness in the air and it felt like a perfect night for hot coffee (my first in a long time).

Lately I’ve been putting a lot of thought into what I want to focus on during this season on the blog. I’ve had plans to kickstart a few series, but just haven’t had time to move forward with them. Why is this? Well, with starting my full-time job this summer, which is creative based, I’ve felt a bit drained and unsure of how to balance my time, creativity levels, and overall focus. However, lately I’ve really been feeling refreshed and ready to turn more of my focus back to this space (not that I ever left, I just let my busy schedule get the best of me). I’ve always admired ladies who work full-time and blog full-time – like Tieka, Julie, and Signe. These ladies sure have inspired me lately, and have really left me in a place of excitement for what’s to come.

Can you believe this guy is going to be my husband in just over four months? We’ve been doing some major wedding planning lately and we’re both so excited for our big day! We have our date, our colors, our venue, our photographer, and more! I’ve been racking my brain for a good way to start sharing these details, and looking to a few other ladies who have shared their big day on their blogs. I’ve been reading Elise’s blog for years and love how she blogged about her wedding process and post-wedding day.  I’m also obsessed with Signe’s wedding and love the sweetness that can be found in her posts. To me, the sweetness of the planning process is definitely worth noting.

Outfit details:
Jacket: Nordstroms Rack
Sweater: Banana Republic
Top: Lucky Brand
Necklace: Handmade
Jeans: Levi’s
Shoes: Converse

And it’s Monday, but  I have a delicious iced coffee and a new lipstick that I picked out during Sarah and I’s girly date yesterday! This week I really want to work on a few fun blog posts, and get organized (a much overdue task!).

What are your plans for the week? How do you balance out your time between must-dos and want-tos?
-Chelsea xo