
The Orchard


My favorite spot on my parent’s 8 acre property is this cozy spot among overgrown vines, a leaning fence, low shading trees, and our campfire wood pile that Scott stacked himself. The land was previously owned by a landscaping company, so there are literally acres of beautifully landscaped, yet very overgrown at this point, land. Scott and his brothers spent the summer working on cleaning it up and getting it ready for my folks, while also leaving little spots for me that he knew I would appreciate and love – like this wood pile. Most days I’m left in awe at how massive the property really is, and how many quirks I’ve spotted over the past four months. – like four giant columns that surround nothing, or the dusty, outdoor fireplace that has two candles sitting inside of it just waiting to be lit (one of the candles may remind me of the black flame candle from Hocus Pocus – just a little bit!).

Beside the quirks, this place also carries a sense of peace and tranquility that I’m thankful to have. I work in a very busy environment, so it’s nice to be able to come here and take in the trees, the cooler weather (it’s usually 10 degrees cooler on the land then it is on the surrounding paved areas), and the cute bunny rabbits (Hello, Mr. Cottontail!).

Today I’ve been super busy at work (writing this on my lunch break!), and texting my sweet bridesmaid, Courtney, about my “potential” wedding dress. I get giddy just thinking about it! Our wedding is less than four months away and I feel like we still have so many little things to work on. Courtney suggested that I sign up for an account with The Knot, and I’m wondering if anyone else has any wedding tips/tricks they wanted to share! Right now, the flowers is the item on our list that is stumping me the most. I have an idea of what I want, but I’m not quite sure where to start. I’ve heard good and bad things about ordering flowers from Costco, choosing a florist, and doing the flowers yourself. Again, any help would be much appreciate for this bride-to-be!

Outfit details:
Blouse: Everly
Jeans: Levi’s
Flats: Ross

Ok, I’m off to sip on more iced coffee and finish up the work day!

What do you love most about your parents home? What are you up to this evening?
-Chelsea xo