
Fading Fields


On the first day of December I went out without a sweater and sipped on an iced coffee. Today, it’s 40 degrees out and I wouldn’t dream of going outside without being bundled up! I know 40 degrees may seem like nothing to some of you who live in colder states, but for this desert rat, it’s cold!

This week feels like it has flown by! While Scott has been prepping for Crafeteria, aka “The Best Indie Craft Festival in Phoenix,” according to The New Times, I’ve been working toward sprucing things up on this old blog of mine and checking wedding errands off of my to-do list. Scott and I have been attending Crafeteria for a good four or five years now, and every year it’s better than the next. The handmade items are always amazing, the food is great (Short Leash Hot Dogs!), and the Christmas atmosphere also puts me in the best mood! We usually have a big reunion with all of our friends too, running into a familiar faces at every booth. This will be the first year that Scott and I will be selling at Crafeteria, and we’re both really excited for our booth and to see all of our friends in one place! Will we be seeing you there? Friday, December 6th (tomorrow) from 6pm to 10pm at the Medlock Plaza – 10 W. Cameblack Phoenix, AZ 85013.

To top off a busy and exciting week, Scott and I also finished putting together our wedding invites last night (!!!). and today we’re mailing them off! We’ve also been slowing working on our Christmas decorations, and tonight we’re putting up our tree. Even though this is our 8th Christmas together, this year feels extra special. Come next Christmas, we’ll have been married for almost an entire year! Crazy to think about! I’m thinking that now is the time to start a new Christmas tradition, something special we can take with us into our married life. Ever year we have an advent calendar, we go to Crafeteria, we make fudge and sugar cookies, and last year we went ice skating at an outdoor ice skating rink in downtown Phoenix for the first time. Do you have any Christmas traditions?

I’m so excited to bundle up tonight with a mug of hot coco and decorate our tree! Christmas is only 20 days away and I’m ready to dive into the Christmas spirit! Last night we watched a really cheesey holiday movie about a woman sold Christmas trees on a street corner in New York City and met the love of her life while wearing a silly holiday get up. Tonight just might call for another cheesy movie, or maybe even a cult classic – Love, Actually anybody?

Outfit details:
Heaband: BP at Nordstrom’s
Necklace: Etsy
Top: Last Chance
Bracelets: Kate Spade & Jcrew
Watch: Fossil
Jeans: Levi’s
Boots: c/o Blowfish Shoes

What’s your favorite holiday movie? Do you have an advent calendar this year?
-Chelsea xo