

I’m starting off the week with a full heart and feelins so thankful for such a lovely weekend. On Saturday I had the most perfect bridal shower with some of my favorite ladies, complete with a coffee bar, maple donuts and incredibly thoughtful gifts. During the evening, Scott and I attended my work Christmas party at The Duce in downtown Phoenix. We danced, ate yummy food, sipped on ginger beers, and watched one of my coworkers rap about everyone in our company. Saturday afternoon alone was completely wonderful, but the evening’s festivities really topped things off!

On Sunday, I spent most of the afternoon Christmas shopping. I’m pretty indecisive when it comes to gifts, so I spent a lot of time going back and forth from store to store deciding on the perfect present. Usually, my mom is pretty easy to shop for, my dad is impossible, and Scott’s pretty easy going. I started my shopping trip off with an iced coffee and a basic list of what I thought I might like to get, sticking to it most of the time but falling astray when I came across a few perfect gifts. I know it might sound weird, but I really do enjoy Christmas shopping – holiday mall craziness and all!

Phoenix has been rather warm the past few days, hitting a high of 70 degrees some day. I’ve been dreaming of going on a snowy walk, and I’m hoping that this Saturday Scott and I can take a trip up to Northern Arizona to enjoy some cooler temperatures, some time being surrounded by snow, and maybe even a quick trip to a favorite coffee shop that we always seem to go to in the winter. I’m so ready to pull out my winter coat and bundled up with some cozy socks, a big ol’ scarf, and a pom pom beanie – winter is almost here!

This week I plan on finishing up my Christmas shopping (fingers crossed , as I usually can be found at the mall on Christmas eve!), baking my mom’s famous orange Christmas cookies, and running a few wedding errands. We’re almost down to one month until the big day and I still feel like we have so much left to do! We really only have two big’ish things left to confirm (this week!), but I’m starting to feel the pressure. Good thing I’ve got work and Christmas to keep my mind occupied for a few more weeks – staying calm during the process of planning our wedding has been something I’ve been striving to achieve, and while I’ve not always been calm and collected (que moments of panic about my dress and venue), I’ve definitely been trying!
Outfit Details:
Pendleton scarf via Anthropologie
Gap button up
How was your weekend? Have you finished up your holiday shopping yet?
-Chelsea xo