


Outfit details:
Target felt hat
Levi’s denim pullover shirt
Jcrew and Kate Spade bracelets
Gap leggings
Justin Boots
A few evenings ago as the sun was beginning to set, Scott and I walked down to a field near our home that had the prettiest purple flowers growing all over it. It was one of our last “cool nights” that we’ll have for awhile, and the last time we’ll see these gorgeous wildflowers because they’ve since been cut and chopped completely down. Last night we went on a walk around this field and it was hot and muggy! I definitely want to continue walking and running regularly during the summer, so I think it’s about time I purchased some running shorts – my athletic pants just aren’t cutting it anymore. In other news, I woke up to cloudy skies and a chance of rain. I drove to work with my hot coffee in hand and the windows down listening to The Get Up Kids’ Campfire Kansas — it felt like one of those perfect summer movie moments that will stay with you forever.
This afternoon, I’m headed to our local lake to meet Scott for a little kayaking adventure! He’s been dying to take the kayaks out, and since it’s beautiful outside right now, he couldn’t resist. Wish me luck that I don’t tip over into the lake! 
What have you been up to?
-Chelsea xo