


Outfit details:
Madewell top
Vintage & Jcrew bracelets
AE jeans
Madewell Transport Tote
Madewell sandals
Happy June! While it may not be officially summer yet, it sure feels like it in Phoenix. Scott and I have been doing our best to beat the heat by spending time in the pool, watching movies inside with the air conditioner on as high as it will go, and going on paleta dates at our favorite local shop – Paletas Betty. Since 2010, this handmade and small batch paletas shop has been serving up unique and flavorful fruit pops and auguitas. I’m personally a big fan of their non-dairy pops, and Scott usually goes for their more creamy flavors. This time around we got pineapple and nuez (cream + pecans), but next time I’m hoping they have this amazing melon and mint paleta that is seriously to die for.
This weekend went by way too fast, but we did see the movie Chef (loved it), went swimming, and had dinner twice with two of our best friends. Today I’m taking it slow and thinking about making a whole french press of iced coffee (yum!), and then taking myself on a little day date (shopping + mall walking is my favorite). 
How was your weekend?
-Chelsea xo