


Happy July! This summer is just flying by and it keeps getting hotter and hotter in Phoenix. Do you guys remember that song Summer Girls by LFO? The one that went, “I like girls that wear Abercrombie and Fitch.” Well the other night I went on a old music video binge and now I can’t stop singing this song. It’s the perfect (silly) anthem for summer! Anyways, Scott and I have spent the entire week hanging out with my folks and our two pups. Yesterday we took my parents to a local restaurant called The Original Chop Shop for the first time and they loved it (minus the lunch crowd noise). It kind of melted my heart to watch my dad munch down on a gluten-free oatmeal cookie like it was no big thing! Later on in the afternoon we drove down to Scottsdale to look at a few car dealerships and to spend some time at the mall. Madewell was having a 30% off of sale, so of course I had to take a peek. I picked up this dress at Madewell recently for a major steal, and I know it’s going to be a staple in my summer wardrobe. I even saw a photo of Princess Katherine wearing a white eyelet dress, so I definitely know I’m in fashion! 😉

Have a wonderful holiday weekend, everyone!
-Chels xo
Outfit details:
Bracelets: Threads, Kate Spade & Jcrew