


This morning I woke up to the sound of rain and a flooded front yard, so I thought I would share some photos from a sunnier day instead of raining on your parade (see what I did there, ha!). If you didn’t hear, Phoenix had a HUGE flood today! In fact, today was the wettest day EVER on record for the city of Phoenix. CRAZY! Our streets, freeways, parking lots, parks and more were completely flooded and loads of businesses and schools shut day for a “rain day” so that everyone could stay home safe and sound. This crazy picture of the 1-10 has been floating around the internet today, and I’m still amazed every time I see it. They say this is a 100 year storm, so let’s hope we don’t see another one like this for another 100 years!

Outfit details:
Vest: Old Navy
Dress: Madewell
Purse: Coach
In other news, besides the rain, today was an exceptionally good day! Scott and I received some great news, we went on a coffee and cookie date to one of our favorite coffee shops (LUX!), and visited with some of our best friends and their little girl (our niece!). It’s crazy because two of my best friends, one being my cousin (MOH at my wedding) are pregnant right now and due about a week a part in February! I’m so excited to be an aunty again, and have caught myself looking at newborn clothes more than once lately. Babies clothes are just SO tiny and cute! Another one of our friends just had a baby girl, so we can’t wait to visit them and spoil little Miss Danger (her middle name!). It’s kind even more crazy to think that we’re in the time of our life now where our friends are married and having babies — weren’t we just like 18? I’m sure ya’ll know what I mean! Anyways, I’m heading out but I’ll be back soon!
-Chelsea xo