


Outfit details:
Threadsence dress
We Love Color tights
Mesa boots c/o Minnetonka Moccasin

As I drove home through the dark this evening, I was reminded of how fast these last fall days are fading and how quickly winter is coming. Lately, I’ve been spending my days giving thanks with family and friends, wrapping up the endless amount of work that the holidays seem to bring, and counting my blessings for Scott and I’s first Thanksgiving and Christmas as husband and wife. I know I’ve been a been bit absent this past week (blame it on the holiday and all the pumpkin pie I ate!), but I promise to be around more this December. It’s truly a beautiful month and one that I can’t wait share with all of you. So, here I am – blogging my little heart away all the while blowing kisses to our sweet pups and kitty cat, listening to the sounds of my husband building a cozy shelter for our outdoor cat, and thinking about the packing that I need to do for my upcoming trip. In regards to that, all I’ll say for now is — California, here we come!

How was your holiday?
-Chelsea xo