


Happy New Year, darlings! I’m back after taking the holidays off to spend some time celebrating with my family and friends, and to take an early anniversary road trip with my sweet husband. During the time that I was away, I gave a lot of thought as to where I see Tea Talk going in the next year, and the goals I hope to accomplish along the way. Over the past few years, I’ve shied away from the lifestyle posts where I began my roots and focused my attention more on my personal style – something that I’m still incredibly passionate about. Why those beloved outfit posts won’t be going anywhere, anytime soon, I do have plans to focus more on our life, our adventures and even the mundane that makes life what it is here on the blog. Also, don’t think that I’ve forgotten about my YouTube channel. I plan on coming back to this in full swing this month, and look forward to learning and growing in this space throughout the year. With that said, here’s to a year of living with intention, in love and to whatever 2015 may hold for us – we’re ready!
What goals do you have for 2015? I’ll be blogging Scott and I’s goal soon and would love to be inspired by yours! 
-Chelsea xo