


Sorry for the silence around here! Many of you might have seen on my Instagram or Twitter feed that Scott and I had an incredibly busy and exciting last couple of weeks. I’ve been staying busy with work and spent lots of time with my folks and my pups before they left for the summer, while Scott gave two amazing Capstone presentations, completed all of his course work, took seven finals (he was taking 21 credit hours both semesters, yikes!) AND graduated with 3.5GPA for his entire Master’s degree program! 
To say I’m incredibly proud of him would be an understatement, because I am so much more than that. Scott has worked so hard for so many years now and to see him up there on stage accepting his diploma for a Master’s degree in Real Estate Development from the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University just brought tears to my eyes and an overwhelmingly rush of thankfulness and feeling of love for how hard Scott has worked to make life better for our family. I love you JSG, you did it! 
After graduation on Thursday we spent a few days with our out-of-town family picking peaches, going to the farmer’s market and introducing them to our coffee shop family at Peixoto Coffee. We also made our way back to Peixoto on Sunday with our sweet friends Christina and Rob for some tasty treats and a long talk on all the exciting things we have going on in our lives. If you haven’t checked out their blog, New Darlings (which I’m sure ya’ll have), you should definitely make your way over there and leave them a little love!
Anyways, we had an amazing few weeks and lots of lovely celebrations, and I know that we both couldn’t be more thankful for all of our friends, family, and all of you here that cheered us on through all of it! So thank you all for making this special time in our life so, so amazing and memorable!
Today is our first day back to a normal routine and I’m already on my second cup of coffee (whoops!), but I’m excited for such a sunny and beautiful day and all that it will bring. 
Hope ya’ll enjoy this beautiful May day too, friends! 
Be back soon!
-Chelsea xo