


A few weeks back, Scott and I saw one of our all-time favorite bands in concert, Copeland. Between the two of us, we’ve seen them at least a dozen times (most of them together), and even attended what we thought would be our very last Copeland show ever. Fast forward five or so years later and we’re standing together in a crowed room listening to the sweet sounds of Aaron Marsh buzz through the overheard speakers. It was a surreal moment to be listening to him live once again – a little older, a little wiser, but still the same Aaron. I would be lying if I didn’t say I felt the same about Scott and I as we stood there in a room full of people our age and younger (much younger!). Copeland is a band that grew with us and will forever hold a special place in my heart. 

I know I’ve mentioned it before, but for those who don’t know — the song Coffee by Copeland was the song that Scott and I had our first dance to at our wedding. It’s truly always been “our song,” so it only seemed fitting that we dance to it as we celebrated our newly wed life. Over a year and a half later, I sent out a tweet containing a simple request, one that I hoped Aaron Marsh would see – play Coffee so we can dance to it like we did on our wedding day. Well, I don’t know if it was my tweet that persuaded him (he did “favorite” my tweet after the show), but he did sing our song, and liked we promised, we danced and swayed as he sang every word that had grown to mean so much to us. So thank you, Aaron Marsh, you truly made our evening! 

You may be asking, what does this outfit have to do with Copeland? Well, nothing, BUT I am wearing a necklace I had custom made before our wedding — a little circle pendant that reads, “if it’s not too late for coffee,” — a favorite lyric from “our song” — Coffee, of course. 

Outfit Details:
Etsy Necklace
While I’m hoping it’s not another five years until we see Copeland again, I sure tried to soak in every second that I could just in case it’s a while until we see them again. Speaking of coffee, it’s Thursday and I’m need of a second cup. Care to join me? What’s your favorite coffee drink?
-Chelsea xo