


Tea Talk is a personal style blog based in Phoenix, Arizona, that focuses on fashion, adventures and lifestyle. If you’re looking to reach the target audience of young, stylish, creative women, sponsoring Tea Talk may be a great fit for you! Also, Please feel free to email me to discuss potential partnerships, or read below for more info.

  • 4,000+ subscribers through blogger friend connect, google reader, bloglovin, and email
  • 6,00+ unique visitors every month
  • 30,000+ average pageviews every month
  • 2,063+ followers on Twitter
  • 6,628+ followers on Instagram
  • 36,400+ followers on Pinterest


I do consider all inquiries, but I only accept sponsors that I feel reflect my interests and blog. Ads stay up for an entire month, and I will rotate ads throughout the month for maximum visibility.
Please email me anytime at Chelsea@Chelsea-Bird.com to discuss any opportunities. I truly appreciate your interested in my blog, and I look forward to hearing from you!