


The gloomy days of January are almost gone and pre-spring days of our desert winter are getting closer and closer. January 2017 really surprised us by being extra dark and grey (which seems normal elsewhere, but just not right here in Central AZ). This month also seem to go by in a flash — wasn’t it just the first of the year? Either way, January always feels pretty special with our wedding anniversary on the 18th, and the memories of planning and prepping for our wedding three years ago still so fresh in my mind. Scott and I love getting away for our anniversary, and this year Portland was our destination of choice! We spent five days in the city of roses adventuring together and drinking all the coffee we could get our hands on — it was a perfect trip! And now here we are — wrapping up the first month of the year and making plans for all we want to do and accomplish in 2017. Anyone else feeling that new year surge of inspiration? Here’s to keeping it going all year long!

Ready for a few peeks into our home during the month of January? Here they are —

— It’s true, Citizen Home Decor does love you [and me too — 😉 ] =. This Letterfolk board was a Black Friday buy and is such a quirky and fun piece to have in our home. We have a smaller one in our living room that I just don’t have the heart to change the quote on — January 18, 2014 (our wedding date!). 

— I know I often feature our DIY entryway mantle, but it’s just so fun to redecorate! This yellow sweater was also a Christmas present from my folks and is bringing some much needed color into my winter wardrobe. Anyone else guilty of wearing all dark colors during the winter?

– This photo of our kitty, Peter, just kills me! I promise he’s yawning and not hissing at me — he’s the most gentle giant! This DIY windowsill bench is one of my most favorite projects Scott completed for our house when we first moved in — it’s the perfect spot for our kitties to watch the birds on a sunny day!

How has your January been? Feeling that mid-winter itch yet? Was it crazy cold or grey in your part of town this month? Feel prepped and ready for a big year ahead? 

Happy Saturday, friends! I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend!

-Chelsea xo