


Hello! Tonight I had a bit of a different post planned out, but earlier I shared this photo + a few of the words below on Instagram and in light of truly wanting to share more personal thoughts on here (something that has never been my strong suit in my almost 8 years of blogging in this space) I wanted to share them here too.  In all honesty, Scott and I are having a bit of a rough week — and not too leave ya’ll hanging, but I promise I’ll share more soon — and in the end, all is well but we would definitely appreciate your thoughts + good energy throughout the rest of the week.

While it’s all too easy to look at the negative and let the worrying + fear take over your thoughts, today I decided that I wanted to share a few things that I’m thankful for (and hopefully I can inspire you to do the same, because after all — combating negative thoughts with positive ones is always the best medicine). I’m continually thankful for — our health, love, happiness, my partner in crime, iced coffee, feeling the sunshine on my shoulders, weekend getaways, our amazing friends, minty gum, having a home of our very own, our family that supports us endlessly and you — yes, you — for making this space a brighter one each and every day! 

Sending good vibes out to you all, sweet friends!

-Chelsea xo