


“What we love most about our home is…how much it feels like us – from our favorite photos, handmade art and a fridge full of iced coffee.”

When Scott and I were working on the write-up portion of our Design*Sponge feature last August, the question of what we love most about our home felt like a daunting one. Do we share how thankful we are to have just have a space of our very own? Do we share that this space was something we dreamed of and prepared for, for many years before? Or do we share just the simple pleasures that we find in owning our own home? Well, I guess you can see that we chose the latter, but in all honesty — we love so much more than just the fridge full of iced coffee, the favorite photos and handmade art — we love that this tiny space is all ours and continues to be an incredible blessing in our life.

It’s a space to keep us safe from the harsh Arizona heat (the air conditioner was terrible in our old place). It’s a space that has allowed Scott and I’s creativity to grow (hello, expansion of Citizen HD and my passion for home decor). It’s a space where we’ve been able to grow our tiny family of kittens (three sassy cats and going strong), and one day — one of our very own.

In the end, we’re just so thankful to be able to call this little space our home! And in case you haven’t read our story yet, you can read about our decision and a bit about the process here — so crazy to think that I shared this almost a year ago! I also have so many more photos to share from our shoot with Rennai Hoefer that didn’t quite make it into our Design*Sponge feature — promise to share those really soon! Hope ya’ll have a wonderful weekend! 

-Chelsea xo