


Happy May, sweet friends! May marks a very special month around, as tomorrow is my 29th birthday! In the spirit of reflection and celebration, I wanted to share 28 thoughts from my 28th year! 

1. Being a home owner is the absolute best!

2.  Tell your loved ones that you love you them – often!

3. Don’t be afraid to try something new (overalls, bandanas, thai food)! 

4. Less is more — truly!

5. Even after 10+ years together, you will still have things to learn about your partner or spouse and vice versa!

6. Sitting during a concert is never a bad idea (especially when you get a birds eye view – raise your hands, short gals)!

7. Driving an hour out of the way to run through a field of lavender is alway a good idea!

8. Trust your gut — in all aspects!

10. Eating gluten free is hard, but so worth it!

11. Going to New York City by yourself may sound scary, but you’re brave and you’ll have the best time (so just do it!).

12. Binge watching Gilmore Girls is a completely acceptable way to spend a Friday evening.

13. Life is short, so do what makes you most happy!

14. Staying at the Ace Hotel is always a good idea!

15. Take care of your skin NOW — I promise, you’ll thank yourself later.

16. You too can have a green thumb (just don’t forget watering day)!

17. Listen to your body, always.

18. Don’t underestimate the power of a good iced coffee.

19. Cannon Beach is as beautiful as they say!

20. Work hard and be nice to people (Anthony Burrill said it best)! 

21. Get the Espresso Tonic at Peixoto Coffee — you won’t regret it! 

22. Don’t be afraid to be different — your differences are what make you unique. 

23. Palm Springs is as crazy and rad as they say! 

24. You’ll never regret dancing in the moonlight

24. Take photos with your loved ones, even if it isn’t a special occasion. 

25. Have fun with decorating your home — you can always change it later! 

26. Cherish those in your life who just get you!

27. You’re beautiful, inside and out (and don’t ever forget it).

28. In the end, all that matters is this

I have a hunch that 29 is going to be an extra amazing year! And if you have any wisdom of your own to share (whether you’re 28, 18, 58 or would just not care to say – haha) I would love to hear your thoughts on life and love during this season of your own life! Be back when I’m 29!

-Chelsea xo