


How is it already May? I totally missed out on sharing our month of April, but I’m stoked be back to sharing these little monthly updates + photos from around our home! Just like April, May has been a bit of a whirlwind! We kicked off the beginning of the month with my 29th birthday! May has always held that feeling of newness for me, so it felt good to start a fresh month and a new year of life all at the same time! I had a great time celebrating with family and friends, and even wrote a whole post on 28 thoughts from my 28th year (if you’re in need of a fun read)! It’s still a bit crazy to think that I’m in the final year of my 20’s – but alas, I’ve been feeling like a real grown up lately (seeing the dermatologist and making adult decisions can do that to a gal, haha). 

Anyways, since around my birthday we’ve been taking weekend trips up north, celebrating the birth of a new niece (I was honored to take photos of her 15 minutes after she was born and it was AMAZING), and continue to work and grow Citizen HD with my sweet love! We had a pop-up shop a few weeks back at an open house and it was super fun! We’ll be at Pineapple Triangle on June 10th, so if you’re local — be sure to stop by! 

Ready for a few peeks into our home during the month of May? Here they are —

— I spy with my little eye an awfully sleepy kitty! This is by far Peter’s favorite place to lounge and where he usually can be found in the daylight hours (he much prefers to roam around and play in the evenings, haha). I’m also loving all of the little beloved trinkets you can see in this photo — candles, baskets, ceramic dishes — just a few of my favorite things, haha! 

— A view that I don’t often share around here! If you were to sit on our couch and look to your right, this is what you would see — our tiny dining area, our pantry/side of our fridge, and the view down our hallway. Some days it sure feels extra cozy in here, but we’re just so thankful that it’s all ours!  

— Have you heard the good news? I’m featured in the May/June issue of Luxe Magazine (Arizona addition)! I’m absolutely honored that the sweet folks over at Luxe think my photos are Insta Crush worthy, and am stoked to be featured in such a rad magazine! If you’re in Arizona, keep an eye out for me at your favorite bookstore or local market! 😉

How was your May? Are you feel the pre-summer heat in your hometown? June is set to be a fun one, and I’m really excited to see everything it will hold! 

Hope you’re having a lovely week, friends! Can you believe that June is almost here? And summer? Wasn’t it just fall? 

-Chelsea xo