


I have wanted a simple, round mirror for as long as I can remember! Back when Flickr was more of a community, I remember loving every round mirror photo that SCB of 3,191 Miles Apart would post — dreaming of the day that I could take my very own round mirror photos. Well, after years of looking and moving place to place, we finally have a space of our own and coincidentally enough, the perfect round mirror to hang in our home. Call it luck if you may, but everything over the past year has just seem to fall perfectly into place with our little space, and we truly couldn’t feel more grateful! It’s still so hard to believe that we’ve been in our own home for over a year now — seriously, where has the time gone?! 

In case you’re on the hunt for your very own “round mirror,” here’s a few of my favorite shops to browse + buy mirrors from —

Do you like to decorate your home with mirrors, or are you more of an art work/photo kind of gal or guy? Do you have a favorite mirror or mirror style in your own home? I’ve been majorly crushing on this hexagon beauty from West Elm for quite some time now, and just might have to make it mine one day soon! Much like with photos, art prints and home decor, don’t forget that the hunt is part of the fun! Take the time to find the piece (or pieces) that are just perfect for you — I promise the wait will be worth it in the end! Also, if you’re in need of an extra dose of inspiration, SCB and MAV of 3,191 Miles Apart are such amazing individuals and truly know how to create a warm and happy home! Anyways, I hope ya’ll are having a great evening, and I’ll be back soon!

-Chelsea xo