And just like that, October is nearly half way over! I know I say this often, but I feel like it all holds even more true since Ace joined our crew — these days are going by way too fast. Last year he barely missed October and Halloween, so this year I was determined to get the house decorated for him. Growing up, I always loved our simple and very 90’s spooky decor and I can only hope that Ace has the same fond memories that I have. Anyways, ready for a few recent peeks into our home during these cozy, spooky autumn days? Without further ado —

I’m sure you can tell, but scary decorations just ain’t my thing. I’ve collected bits and pieces over the years, but many of my favorite items are homemade. Whether Scott made them or I purchased them on Etsy, adding decor to our Halloween collection that would hold up over the years has been a must. Now, that’s not to say that I don’t have a good Target dollar spot purchase (like the those tiny ghosts and stringy spiders), but I have loved searching for pieces that we’ll not only love this year but for years to come.

Scott and I have been joking that these witchy ladies are Ace’s long, lost relatives. I actually had this print (along with a few others from Etsy) still hanging up when we brought Ace home last November (five days post Halloween) and it was sure a conversation piece! They’re pretty cute, though, and I’m sure Ace will either like them or be creeped out by them for years to come, haha.

See that fall leaf wreath? It’s a Trader Joe’s special and I couldn’t help but buy three when I spotted them at my local Joe’s. Two definitely went up in our home and the other in my mom’s — they were too good not to share!

Ace’s newborn photos by our dear friends, Kelsey and Michael Cowley, will forever be some of my most favorite photos!

The wooden bats and spiders are a Citizen Home Decor special! I actually had a very similar set for years that was made out of paper and this year they were just starting to look a little rough, so Scott made these for Ace and I!. These aren’t available online at all, but if you’re interested in your own set, let me know!

Is your home all decorated for the season? Once Halloween is wrapped up, I’m excited to bring out more of my fall decor before Christmas comes around!
-Chelsea xo