The spring and summer of 2020 has been a weird one, hasn’t it? Everything seemed to stop back in March and somehow we’re already half way into June. Truth be told, I’ve been doing a lot of reminiscing during this time and found myself digging up my old LiveJournals the other day. The last entry in one of two LJs that are still living on the Internet, is from 2006 — shortly after I met Scott. A few months later, I started this blog and have seen it through so many different stages. However, through all the years I’ve always maintained my own voice and kept this space as a diary of sorts. And that’s why I’m here, today — let’s start again!

When reading those LJ entries, it gave me a peek into my writing style way back then — a true stream of consciousness that could only be broken by the numerous spaces and dashes I put into my writing (some things never change). I may sound like I’m rambling a bit now, but all of this is to say that reading those journal entries made me feel inspired and motivated to keep writing and writing more around here. It’s wild to think that I can look back on years and years of my life and read about moments in my life that might have seem mundane then (I was always and oversharer online), but today they feel so special and paint a picture I might not have maintained otherwise. And that’s what I want this space to continued to be, especially with our little boy growing so big every day.

So here we are in late July of 2020 and the world is a wild place. I truly never thought we would ever experience and see the things we have these past few months, but all we can do (and have been doing) is riding the wave and taking things as they come. My full-time job moved to being fully work from home (about 20 weeks ago — wild, right?) and Scott’s work has definitely seen a shift. We’re so lucky and blessed to be in the position we’re in, with family in our “social-distancing circle” and everything we need to keep our family healthy, happy and safe, but still the world feels so weird (for a lack of a better world). I know, though, that this time is teaching us so much about one another, our boy, our world and the things that truly matter – and one day when things more “normal” again, we’ll look back on all this time and be thankful for all that it taught us.

Let me know if your’e feeling the same about this wild time in life!
Chelsea xo