January 2, 2021 – The day I’m really stepping back into this blog after what felt like a long pause in 2020. Like so many people last year, the year in whole rocked our world. We started January in the most zen place I’ve ever been, Maui, Hawaii, and then moved into February working away at markets with Citizen Home Decor, spending time with friends and soaking in the cooler moments we have here in Arizona. Then, like everyone already knows, everything changed in the blink of an eye.
What I thought would be a week maybe two at max at working from home full-time and figuring out how to continue growing our handmade business that thrives on in-person events, turned into months of learning to pivot, learning how to work remotely full-time and manage a full team of passionate team members, parenting our then 1.5 year old, keeping our family safe and healthy and offering new items in new ways to keep our business on the books.
And exhale. I’m sure our story is very similar to many in 2020, but getting it down on paper (err blog) feels good. With all that was going on and my own mental health declining, not spending much time in this space felt like the thing I could most easily give up and did, and while not regrettably, I did miss my place here on the interwebs that I’ve been publishing on for over a decade now.
Like last year, I’m writing down our family resolution of “to be happy and healthy” on a piece of paper and sticking it on our fridge, along with making a promise to myself that I will spend more time where with you as often as I can. You’ve seen me through so much love, growth, clothing styles and becoming a mother and I want to continue showing up for you here in this space.
Here’s to 2021, may it be better than the past and a place for love and growth!
-Chels xo