
What’s In My Camera Bag!

Today I thought I would give you all a little peek as to what was in my camera bag recently. Lately I’ve been dreaming of carrying around Scott’s and I’s Canon AE-1 film camera and taking pretty pictures with it. So I decided to carry my pretty Rose bag, courtesy of Jo Totes, around with some of our film camera equipment in it (along with a few purse essentials, of course).

From top left: telephoto lens plus converter attached to it, 32mm lens, Canon AE-1 plus 50mm lens attached, Coach card holder, Ray Ban sunglass case (classic wayfarer inside), Rosebud salve, LeSportSac bag holding my iPod Touch plus other odds and ends, Coach wallet, day planner.

The two lenses were found in Scott’s house (literally found in a box), and the camera was purchased by Scott for $25 at Goodwill about a year ago.

Coach items were Christmas presents (I love them both dearly).

I bought the Rosebud salve after I saw a recommendation from Emily.

My planner and I are never separated. I need it to write down homework, schedule interviews, and to keep me sane.
What’s in your camera bag?