
White Lattice

Ya know that saying, “Don’t go to bed mad,” well I think there should be a similar saying that goes “Don’t go to bed stressed.” Yep, it’s already happened. The grad school gods have thrown their storms down on me and now I’m just trying to swim through. Today is a new day though, and I’m ready to handle things in a new manner.

With my new school schedule I only attend an actual in-person class once a week for three hours. During my time as an undergraduate I was so used to getting up every morning, making myself look presentable, and rushing off to campus to attend class and study during my in-between breaks. Now that I don’t have that schedule anymore, I’m finding it easy to fall into this lull that I do not want to be in. So I’ve decided that I need to make more of an effort to get up early, great my day with a fun outfit, and go someplace other than my home that I know I can be productive in. It’s just like my old routine, but new and improved!
This outfit is really made me feel good about myself. I felt like the put together Grad School student that I know I should be. I still find it so hard to believe sometimes that my schooling now has nothing to do with Journalism. What used to seem like my whole world has now changed and repositioned itself in my life. I guess that’s growing up though!
It’s the weekend and I’m really excited to have a blogger meet-up with Brandi and her sweet little girl! There will also be yoga with Courtney, and lots of homework to be done this weekend. I think a movie should be thrown in the mix as well, ya know, just to even things out.

Outfit details:
Polka dot dress: Modcloth
Flats: Ruby and Bloom

What does your daily schedule look like?
-Chelsea XO