
Orange Leaf

This weekend has been busy, busy, but on Friday night Scott and I took a break from our homework to go get froyo with some of his family. I suggested that we go try out Orange Leaf because it was fairly close, and I’ve been wanting to go there for quite a few months now. So off we went!

Orange Leaf was full of different flavors and toppings than our usual froyo spot, Yogurtland. I loved being able to sample all of the new flavors, and picking a few different toppings.

When it comes to froyo, I kind of like to mix things up. I’m not really one for making sure flavors blend together well (it kind of drives Scott nuts), so I ended up getting pomegranate, wedding cake, and mint chocolate froyo, along with mochi, popping bobas, and peanut butter cups for toppings.

Overall, everyone was pretty impressed with their delicious froyo, and we will definitely be going back for more.
What’s your favorite froyo place? What flavors/toppings do you usually get?
-Chelsea XO