
Urban Cookies V 2.0


Last week I blogged about a local cookie/cupcake spot called Urban Cookies for my Downtown Dispatch blog. I thought I would share a few more photos here, as well as tell you about the great time Scott and I had there.

Urban Cookies is a retro cookie/cupcake shop in downtown Phoenix, AZ that offers some of the best cupcakes in the valley.

They have all of their cookies and cupcakes on display in cute jars and cake stands in their tiny front room.

While there Scott and I had a really hard time deciding on what to get, but we ultimately ended up with a cookie ice cream sandwich, and a vanilla bean cupcake. We were both really happy with our choices, and almost considered buying more cookies to take home (they are seriously so good).


Kodak Duaflex-First Few Shots

I can’t believe its taken me so long to mention that I bought a Kodak Duaflex II. I have been on the hunt for one of them for a few months now, and I was lucky enough to find out at a local antique mall for a mere $20.
When I first got the camera Scott and I spent a few hours playing around with it. I had fun taken photos of the view-finders image:
We even made a contraption so we could make our own Ttv photos.

Since school and my internship started I haven’t had much time to play with it, but I hope to devote some time to it soon and take more pretty photos. It feels really great to have such a neat piece of camera history in the palm of my hands.

Joe’s Real Farm Grill

Thursday night Scott and I went on a little date to Joe’s Real Farm Grill. Neither of us have ever been to the farm grill before, but considering we love all of Joe Johnston’s other restaurants we just knew that we would love it as well.
Well, needless to say we did end up really loving the farm grill and their great food (and also the cute surrounding landscape).
We were both kind of in awe of the building that this patio sits in the back of. I unfortunately didn’t snap of photo, but I can tell you that it was the owner’s childhood home that he turned into a restaurant. The room that we sat in after we got attacked by bugs outside was the Johnston’s living room, and the original mod fireplace was still en-tacked. They even had neat mid-century modern chairs in there that I swear came from Modernica.
Scott and I had: Onion rings, pesto burger (his), portabello mushroom burger (mine), and french fries.

Have you tried any new restaurants lady? Or maybe just visited an old favorite? If you live in the Phoenix Metropolitan area, do you have any suggestions of restaurants that I should go too? I would appreciate the suggestions very much! Scott and I are always looking for new places to try!
Happy Sunday!

Handmade Goodness- The skirt

Over the summer my boyfriend Scott made me a few sweet handmade goods, including an adorable skirt (inspired by this DIY on What Would A Nerd Wear).
The other day I wore my new skirt to school and couldn’t have felt more cute (ya know, because my boyfriend made it :]).

I really want to make a few more of these skirts for Fall, as I think they would be THE most perfect layering piece!
Has your significant other made you something lately? Have you made them something lately? Tell me about it!

Lunch Date & Giant Coffee Take 2

The other day Scott came to downtown to go on a little lunch date with me. Now, I’m not going to tell you too much about where we ate just yet (saving it for my Downtown Dispatch blog first), but I can tell you that we ate mexican food and it was delicious. Afterwards I was in need of my mid-day caffeine (its become essentially for those 9am-6pm school days), so we went over to Giant Coffee and had ourself some joe.

In all honesty, I really love our lunch dates, as they seem to make the school day go by quicker.
In other news, today I drove to northern Arizona and will be staying in Flagstaff for a few days. I promise to enjoy the cool weather, and visit with a missed friend.
What are your weekend plans?

Guest Post on A Girl And Her Blog


Last week I was a guest blogger on Carly’s blog (while she was away on her super amazing NYC vacation!). Feel free to check out my post and leave Carly and I a little love.

To give you a hint as to what I blogged about, it involves something that I’m overwhelmingly obsessed with.
PS My internet is just not cooperating very well tonight, and unfortunately is not letting me uploads pretty photos that I wanted to share. Better luck tomorrow? Yes. Night!

Today, & a Giveaway Winner

To be honest, this is how I felt today. Stomach issues, school stress, and a broken air conditioner can do that to a girl. Tomorrow though is a new day and I have positive thoughts for it in mind. I plan on getting my morning coffee from one of my favorite shops, having a good day at my internship, and eating dinner at Green. Promise for some cute photos to make up for the lack of ones the last few days.
In other news, time to announce the CuCuCo giveaway winner!

And the winner is: Carol Anne!
Congrats Carol Anne! Please email your address and I will pass it along to Rachel!
Night, sleep tight.

Ready for Fall


It’s official, Scott and I are VERY ready for Fall.

Photo via Fall 2007.
On a side note, school has been keeping very busy, and the long days are still getting to me. Today though I’m taking a little break and Scott and I are going to have a lunch date (and hopefully get coffee too).
How have your days been lately?

A Place to Write and Read

Over the summer Scott created this sweet sitting area to house some of our vintage cameras, white collectibles, Scott’s handmade lights, and vintage blue two-tuned Smith-Corona typewriter.

Scott built the shelves, jar lights, and table by hand. He also had the area set up before I got home from my summer away. When I finally made it home I was in awe of the little space and un-officially called it my own. It’s honestly the perfect spot to pound away on our typewriter, or read for school.
Thank you John Scott for creating me (and you) such a neat space that we both can enjoy. Love you!
Do you have a designated spot in your home where you like to read and write? Did you decorate it with the intention of spending lots of your time there?