
An afternoon at the peach farm.

Last week Scott and I took a trip to a peach farm in Queen Creek, Arizona. We went with the sole intentions of picking peaches, but ended up getting a bit side tracked by all the other amazing things that were on the farm.
We hung out with peacocks:

We spent about 30 minutes roaming around the peach trees picking out the perfect peaches, and taking photographs.
If you ever have the chance to go peach picking, or any kind of fruit picking, I highly suggest doing so. Just don’t forget the water, sunscreen, and camera.
Be back later with photos from today.
-Chels xoxo


We Love Colors Footless Tights Review!

Hey there everyone! Today I’m here to tell you all about these amazing light grey footless tights that I recently received from We Love Colors.
These awesome footless tights are my second pair (the first being an amazing pair of teal tights that I mentioned here) and I am certainly in no way disappointed. We Love Colors makes great quality tights that you never have to be worried about ripping/running (these tights are seriously super durable and will last forever), and the colors/patterns are absolutely stunning and true to their said color. Did I mention that their shipping is always super quick!
The splash color socks that I received in my We Love Colors package were an extra surprise that Scott and I loved and would recommend to anyone for an added fun splash of color to any daily outfit.
Recently Scott and I took a trip to a peach farm and I decided that this would be the perfect place to wear my new light grey footless tights, as I feel that they went great with my summer romper.
The tights ended up being a personal hit, as well with Scott, and complimented my outfit great by letting me wear a romper to keep me cool from the hot Arizona sun, but by also giving me that extra coverage I needed with the romper shorts.

For anyone that is considering purchasing tights, or any other products from We Love Colors I would highly suggest doing so. We Love Colors is a great company with friendly employees, quality products, and also one that has a great love for their customers. Each week We Love Colors gives away free pairs of shoelaces on their Twitter page, and occasionally gives away free pairs of tights as well. If you’re on Twitter I would highly suggest following them.

I also wanted to say thank you again to Cara at We Love Colors for being so generous to the Teal Talk blog and offering me such a great opportunity to work with We Love Colors. It’s honestly been a blessing and I hope you all go out and check out their website, Twitter page, and also Facebook page as well and purchase lots of cute tights!
Remember, tights are ALWAYS in!
Have a great Thursday night loves!
-Chels xoxo

It’s the little things in life…

Today I was searching through some photographs that were taking during the last month or so and stumbled upon a few particular photos that really made me think, “wow, it’s really the little things in life that make you most happy”. So here is a little post dedicated to the little things that have made me happy lately.

Frozen yogurt (for lunch) from Yogurtland.
Coffee dates at Cartel Coffee Lab with my love.
Lastly, finding extra secrets in PostSecret books at the bookstore.
What are some of the little things that have been making you happy lately?
Ok, off the computer for a good nights rest. Sleep well fellow bloggers.
-Chels xoxo

In Transit, Part 4.

On Sunday afternoon I landed in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Here is what I saw:
This view melts my heart every year. Over, and over again.

Pretty swampy area.
When I was about 11 years old I went on a late night adventure to roam around this spooky abandoned barn. I swear I saw a ghost. Today a cute family of foxes lives there.

Today I’m already in a different town, same state though. Will posts pictures of it soon.

I also wanted to mention that I’m still waiting for Liz to email me (creativechelsea@yahoo.com) about which size tights she would like from the We Love Colors giveaway. Please email me Liz asap! Thank you!
Have a wonderful, and bright day.
-Chels xoxo

Canon AE-1 Love!

A few weeks ago Scott bought a Canon AE-1 (film camera) from a thrift store for $20. We decided to take it to our local camera shop and had them take a look at it to make sure everything worked properly. After only a few minutes at the shop we were informed that it is in great condition and that it’s a great camera.

Taken by a sweet older lady who called us a “lovely couple”.
A shot I took of Scott while waiting for out food at Wildflower Bread Co. This is actually my favorite shot from the role, although I think it looks a bit grainy from the scanner transfer.

A book that Scott cut a hole through. He’s planning on using it as a planter for a mini-cactus he has.

Iced tea and a cute list that my sweetie made of the things we needed to complete that week (with pictures!):

Do any of you use film cameras? If so, what types do you use? Do you prefer film or digital cameras, and why?
Time for crafty stuff!
-Chels xoxo