
An update<3


  This is a little late, but here it goes…

  Last Thursday Scott, and I drove allll the way down to north Scottsdale and went to the new H&M on it’s opening day! The store was crazy busy, as expected, but nonetheless it was fun to go there, and I even came home with a few goodies (will show in a bit.). 
After shopping at H&M we had dinner at Paradise Bakery (mmmm tomato soup!), and then parted ways. Scott and I decided we didn’t want to go home yet so we ended up at Barnes and Noble, looking through the crafting book section.

New hat from H&M!

My love<3
Friday Scott and I had our morning coffee together (It was a large iced americano kind of day), and afterwards I went to my internship. 
Later that evening Scott and I had a lovely sushi dinner date. We went to this place that had a conveyour belt that made the sushi go round and round. We were a bit confused at the time how to order, but we ended up getting some yummy stuff. Scott got some kind of roll that was deep fried (so good!), and I got vegan rolls (mushroom, cucumber, and carrots!). We also got miso soup, and a yummy salad that had a really sweet dressing on it. It was a lot of fun, and we have been talking about going there forever so I’m so happy that we finally did. 
After dinner we headed down to downtown Phoenix to meet Amanda, and Zane at First Fridays! This month the art walk was AMAZING! It was so organized, and all of the art being displayed was so good! Scott and I even went down to Grand Ave. and looked through all the amazing galleries there! I also had the pleasure of meeting the lovely Onjoli of Pink De Ville and got to see all the cute things in her shop! Onjoli’s shop is located just down the street from Scott’s grandparents coffee shop, so I’m hoping to see more of her in the future!
In a fancy art gallery that was 21+ ps I’m wearing a flower clip on the left side that I got from H&M!
Amanda and Zane in the fancy art gallery!
A wall mural in progress!  He was painting the Swell Season!
Saturday we went to Nordstrom’s Rack, and got tea and hot chocolate at Starbucks with Brian, Lindsay, and baby Em.
Sunday Scott and I got coffee, went to dinner with my mom and grandma, went shopping at Target, and visited Brian and baby Em.
Hooray! We made it to THIS week haha
Monday wasn’t too exciting, other than the fact that I spent a few hours at the doctors because I was having serious breathing problems and heart burn. Three hours later my doctor said that I’m having bad anxiety and need to calm down.
Yesterday I felt MUCH better. I was able to keep my breathing under control and it was wonderful. Scott and I went on a bike ride to Starbucks to get caramel apple cider (mmmm) and the dollar store. Later that night we went to Mill with Brian, Lindsay, and Em to look around for a bit.
TODAY is my day OFF! Hooray! I think I might run up to Starbucks and get some oatmeal and iced coffee. I also plan to do homework, and go to Yogurtland with my love.
 Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL Veterans day! 
-Chels xoxo
PS I received my first pen-pal letter from the wonderful Jaelynn! Everyone should check out her blog and shop<3

Busyyyy weekend.


It’s been a very busy weekend, full of good times and homework.

Will write a proper blog post for my amazing weekend asap!
Class, homework, shopping for tights, coffee, and riding my bike!
Goodnight my lovely blog friends!
Chels xoxo
PS Scott and I bought a mini x-mas tree tonight and I’m so excited to make ornaments for it! Does anyone else have a mini tree? 

My day/internship info/what kind of car do you drive?

  Today has been a busy, busy day.
  This morning I went to two classes, ate lunch/met a new friend, went to my advisement meeting to discuss classes for next semester, and went to my last class where I turned in an article that caused much stressed. After class I went to Starbucks on Washington where Gina Marie made me the best skinny vanilla latte in the new red cups. The rest of the evening was spent working on the lamest case analysis for Media Ethics that is due tomorrow. I also took a break and went with my mom to Tempe Marketplace to get salad from Salad A La Carte and a pomegranate non-dairy smoothie.
  Scott had work until eight tonight so I didn’t end up seeing him today, which is always a bummer, but I’m looking forward to spending time with him tomorrow and going on a bike ride!
Anyways, silly photos? Oh yes!

Mmmmm smoothie! I never drink smoothies! At least it was a healthy one.
My SVL! 
  Also, I thought I might post a few links to some of the articles that I’ve written for ASU/the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering. Just in case any of you ever wondered what I did at my internship.
  Lastly, for some reason I always wonder what kind of cars people drive. For myself I feel that my car is an extension of myself, and the place I feel is most mine. Anyways, I wanted to ask a few questions that anyone and everyone could answer. 
The questions are:
What kind of car do you drive?
What do you love about your car?
Do you have a picture of you and your car that you would like to share (leave a link!)?
What is your dream car?
My answers are:
-I drive a pearl white ’08 Mazda3 hatchback
-I love that my car has a hatchback! It makes putting my bike in my car so much easier.

Right after I got my car in October of 2007.

Amanda and I having fun right after I got my car!
Dream carrrr<3>

I think this could be something fun that everyone could enjoy, so if you read my blog please participate :]
Ps I kind of miss my shorter bangs. Maybe I should cut them short again?
-Chels xoxo

Blog Giveaway Winner!

Congratulations Kelsey! 
Everyone should check out Kelsey’s super cute blog and her twitter page!
Kelsey, we will contacting you soon so that we can get your address!
Thanks again to everyone who entered! Look for more giveaways in the future!
– John Scott & Chels xoxox

Happppy Halloween!

  Happy Halloween!
  Tonight Scott, Gina, Amanda, Zane, Eric, and I went to the Arizona State Fair. The night consisted of riding rides, playing games, eating, and taking pictures! 
  Here is our night in pictures:

Scott won me this cute donkey with a flower in its mouth<3
Scott and Zane are up there somewhere.
Scott ate a HUGE corndog.
Gina and I!
Gina and I also went to the ASU homecoming block party on the Tempe campus today. My work buddy Chase took these pictures of us!
& Scott and I played with baby Emerson Jude yesterday!
Silly boys!
Bahaha I love this shot!
We were playing with wooden blocks!
We also carved pumpkins two on Thursday.
Hello Kitty bow? Kind of haha
Scott’s pumpkin looks so sweet!
Chels xoxo
My dog Jake says Happy Halloween!

Halloween, oh how I adore you.

Scott made us devil hats to wear on Halloween! They are the cutest thing ever!

Caught up in something…..
Oh, and I’ve been making little things here and there….
Leaf headband!
Halloween themed bow I made to wear to the Engineering school tailgating party that I was invited to at ASU!
Happy Halloween everyone!
Chels xoxo
PS Big thank you to my love John Scott for making me my lovely new banner<3

Bleubirdvintage Show & Tell!


I was featured on the Bleubirdvintage Show & Tell! Everyone should check out all the other cute contributions! Can’t wait to see more of these! What a fun idea!

Too busy to blog more, must do crafts & write.
Chels xoxo
PS LOVING this amazing chillllly weather!

Re-creations and the birthday boy!


This photo was taken by Scott and I’s good friend Amanda around November of 2007.
This photo was taken by Scott and I’s friend Caleb in October of 2009.
We had fun recreating it<3
Also, tomorrow is my John Scott’s 21st birthday! Everyone should leave him a comment on my blog and wish him a very happy birthday. He checks my blog daily so he will for sure see the comments :]
Chels xoxo